Volume 10, Issue 38 (5-2019)                   عرفانیات در ادب فارسی 2019, 10(38): 153-178 | Back to browse issues page

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1- Azad University of Kashan Branch , Hamidjavaherian44@gmail.com
2- Azad University of Kashan Branch
Abstract:   (2178 Views)
Crying is one of the main issues in the mystical literature of Iran, especially in the writings of Sana'i, the first poet who introduces mysticism into poetry. Types of burns and baits Need, prayers, happiness, sadness and mourning, directly or indirectly related to crying. Study of sorrow and joy is the concerns of seekers in the field of literature, because sometimes we encounter cries of joy and happiness. So it deserves to be done with proper research. This article deals with crying in the texts of the Sana'a mystical order and states that when and how the cry is creeping on this great poet, the Sanai is a poet who is an admixer of mysticism and Sufism. In his works, the subject of crying is one of the characteristics that the way of love has been addressed. Of course, Sanai is not a poet of love and affection in general, and the aspect of wisdom and sharia and its accessories are of greater interest
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2018/12/3 | Accepted: 2019/02/27 | Published: 2020/01/9

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