Volume 12, Issue 46 (3-2021)                   عرفانیات در ادب فارسی 2021, 12(46): 63-93 | Back to browse issues page

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Modir A, Shahbadizadeh M, Mehraban J. Comparative functions of the story of creation in mythological, religious and mystical sources. عرفانیات در ادب فارسی 2021; 12 (46) :63-93
URL: http://erfaniyat.iauh.ac.ir/article-1-635-en.html
1- Mashhad Azad University, Iran , ahmadmodir49@gmail.com
2- Mashhad Azad University, Iran.
Abstract:   (877 Views)
 Myth describes the events of the early days of human life, a particular way of interpreting and perceiving the creation of the world and man, and answers many of our questions about existence. What effort has man always made to know himself and the world in which he lives. Thus, one of the most fundamental human explorations from the beginning is to reach the secret and unsolved mysteries of creation. In other words, myth is the story of reaching the truth and guiding us to the deepest religious and spiritual capabilities. From this point of view, myth is a long-standing link with religious beliefs. Most of the mythical beliefs are full of deep philosophical, moral and mystical themes. Mysticism is also a way of achieving the truth, based on austerity, chastity and piety. This study intends to study and analyze the story of creation in the myths of nations, ancient Iran, Shahnameh and religious and mystical texts, considering the position and importance of ontology in mythological, religious and mystical beliefs. The results of this research show that the story of creation is reflected in various forms and wonders in mythological, religious and mystical beliefs. There is also a major narration about the process of creation of the first man from dust and the blowing of the divine spirit in his body, which is common to almost all the mentioned sources. The method of work in this research is library and based on adaptation, comparison and analysis.
Full-Text [PDF 383 kb]   (183 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2022/02/10 | Accepted: 2021/08/11 | Published: 2021/03/30

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