Volume 7, Issue 25 (ERFANIYAT Dar Adabe Farsi Quarterly 2016)                   عرفانیات در ادب فارسی 2016, 7(25): 77-97 | Back to browse issues page

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kiahi M, Hadi H. The Impression of Hafiz’ Ghostic Sonnets on Forughi Bastami. عرفانیات در ادب فارسی 2016; 7 (25) :77-97
URL: http://erfaniyat.iauh.ac.ir/article-1-230-en.html
1- , kiahi569@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (4057 Views)

   Forughi Bastami is one of the poets of the thirteenth century AD, and his style of lyricism is in line of the lyricism of the Qajar era. He spent some of his lifetime to praise Qajar princes, and later, became a poet in Nassser-a-Din Shah court. Submergence in the works of mystics such as Bayazid Bastami and Hallaj, changed his morale, and made him live a life of a dervish. Forughi is the Poet of Retrocession era and has a great role in reviving the tradition of the poetry of the former scholars. The base of his poetry is the imitation of the style of Iraqi poets, Saadi and Hafez. The lyrics language of Forughi is eloquent, simple and flowing.

In his gnostic sonnets as in asceticism and abstemiousness ,Rend and fatalism and some other gnostic terms has common thought with Hafez .This article based on proportional and supported samples and events depicts the quality of effectiveness of Forughi Bastami from Hafez

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2016/07/16 | Accepted: 2016/07/16 | Published: 2016/07/16

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