Volume 10, Issue 40 (11-2019)                   عرفانیات در ادب فارسی 2019, 10(40): 11-31 | Back to browse issues page

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asadpour R, jahani R. Ein al-Qozat Hamedani and an Esoteric accusation in the Seljuqian era. عرفانیات در ادب فارسی 2019; 10 (40) :11-31
URL: http://erfaniyat.iauh.ac.ir/article-1-425-en.html
1- GHaemshahr branch, Islamic Azad university, GHaemshahr,Iran , asadpour110@gmail.com
2- Semnan university,Semnan, Iran
Abstract:   (1254 Views)
Abdullah bin Muhammad Mianji Hamidani, who was called the Ein Al-Qozat, from the sixth-century mystics and was Contemporary with the Seljuqian mogul, Sultan Mahmud and Sultan Sanjar. He was born in a family that had a position of judgment and he was the heir of such a position, but since in his letters he considered the judge "haram and savior", it is apparent that the attitudes of the owners of his time Criticized and recklessly threatened. Such a behavior in his turbulent time, a full-fledged era of political rivalry, targeted him as an enemy of dangerous men, who Abul Ghasem Dargazini was at the head of the prime minister of the bloody sultan Mahmud. On the other hand, the bloody Enemy of the Seljuqian with the Ismailieh, who read them as an inspiration or training, created a space that they were easily accused of escaping the dissolution of the opposition. Meanwhile, the same leader of Hamedani is among those who have been the source of this fire. Of course, this is not the only charge of the great mystic of the sixth century; the most important source of his allegations is a book titled Zobdat al-Haghayegh, who opens his mystical and verbal statements,in addition to his innocence, has been accused of claiming prophecy, divine claim, and atheism. This famous mystic did not stop working against this plot and injustice and tried to pre-empt in prison in a treatise titled Shekvi al-Gharib, illuminating the unjustified accusations and disqualifying himself, although this The treasury of the brain also made him sick. In this paper, we have tried to emphasize the insinuation of the allegations of Ein Al-Qozat Hamidani and his defenses to the fact that this charge was only a political plot that provided some resemblance between the teachings of Ein Al-Qozat and internal teachings. And, as a result, the dust of the face of a historical fact.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2018/11/24 | Accepted: 2019/01/22 | Published: 2019/11/22

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