Volume 9, Issue 37 (3-2019)                   عرفانیات در ادب فارسی 2019, 9(37): 30-46 | Back to browse issues page

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Azizydowlatabadi A. Reverence of creature, joy and service to the creation in the eyes of Bayazid Bastami. عرفانیات در ادب فارسی 2019; 9 (37) :30-46
URL: http://erfaniyat.iauh.ac.ir/article-1-427-en.html
1- Islamic Azad University of Dorood Branch , iliaazizy@gmail.com
Abstract:   (3773 Views)
Since the Holy Quran cares about human personality and moral value, he also emphasizes his material and spiritual rights, so he explicitly declares the dignity of man: Karman Bani Adam and the Humble of the Faithful and the Wisdom of Me Al-Taybat and ... (Asra 70) And because he blown his soul into him, he made the heavens and the earth blessed with him, and created for him a birth of blessings; all are all signs of the reverence of man. As a result, Bayazid Bastami, one of our great mystics, also honors human beings and the importance of enjoying his social, economic, cultural and religious rights in the early centuries of the Islamic republic, in honor of creatures including man and his worthy place. As a special blessing of Ashraf, he cherishes the creatures of God. The purpose of this research is to study the reverence of creature and happiness from the perspective of Bayazid Bastami. The reverence of the creature, especially human beings, is due to the values ​​and ethical qualities that are not only given special attention to religious teachings, but also one of the hallmarks of Bayazid Bastami's life. As one of the elders of this profession, he pays tribute to creature, happiness and service to the people, which will be explained in this essay.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2018/09/4 | Accepted: 2019/05/2 | Published: 2019/05/2

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