Vaseghi khundabi D, malek sabet M. Fate and Unity of Existence in Comparative Philosophy of Molana and Sultan Valad Conduct in Masnavi Molavi and Sultanvalad Masnavies. عرفانیات در ادب فارسی 2020; 10 (41) :78-106
1- Yazd university, Yazd, Iran
Abstract: (2429 Views)
This study, based on library studies and written in a descriptive-analytical manner,The researcher examine comparatively the topics of "fate" and "unity of existence" in Masnavi Molavi and Masnavies of Sulan valad (Ebtedaname, Robabname and Entehaname). The results show that Fate is one of the most basic teachings of Maulana and Sultan valad. From their point of view, unless the mystic reach the state of Fate, he cannot reach ascension; by reaching the threshold of Allah glory, he will see the image of Allah in his heart. Therefore, true survival is in the realm of fate not life. They also consider proliferation as a credit matter and believe that existence is the real truth but understanding this unity is only possible for those who burn their virtual existence against Allah. Molana and Sultan Valad speak of the unity of Allah and the perfect man andconsider the life of the divine people to be one with Allah.
Type of Study:
Research |
Special Received: 2019/02/3 | Accepted: 2019/10/6 | Published: 2020/02/20