Volume 11, Issue 43 (8-2020)                   عرفانیات در ادب فارسی 2020, 11(43): 120-144 | Back to browse issues page

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Abdollahi M E, Ramezani H. A Comparative Study of the Ideal Man in the Works of Coelho and in Islamic Mysticism. عرفانیات در ادب فارسی 2020; 11 (43) :120-144
URL: http://erfaniyat.iauh.ac.ir/article-1-617-en.html
1- Research department of Islamic mysticism, Orvatol Vosgha international research center, Qom, Iran (in charge of correspondence) , m.s.abdollahy@ Hotmail.com
2- Assistant professor of the department for the interpretation of the holy Quran, Islamic sciences and culture research center, Qom, Iran
Abstract:   (1111 Views)
   Paulo Coelho's mysticism is mainly a kind of psychological mysticism that seeks to find the truth with self-reliance. The elements of "anthropology" mainly and “the ideal human being” especially are the most important elements around which Coelho's teachings revolve. A one-dimensional view of man and limiting man's destiny to this world is an idea that underlies the epistemology of Coelho's teachings. In examining Paulo Coelho's work, what is central to cognition is the model he presents of the perfect man. Through his novels, Coelho tries to depict his idea of ​​an ideal human being so that he introduces that method as the end of the path of human beings seeking happiness and the only way out of troubles and sufferings. The fact that he limits all human destiny to this world and considers the end of the path of transcendence to be the same is the most important reason why we need to critique and study this ideas. This research is a kind of developmental research using descriptive-analytical method with an emphasis on comparative view. The authors of this article try to explain this idea and critique it based on the method of detecting internal and external incompatibility. Based on the findings, it was concluded that the basis of perfectionism and human nature demand something outside the realm of matter and corporeality, while the model presented by the ideal human being in Coelho's thought has completely physical characteristics and dimensions. And it is limited to the material world, which deprives man of the possibility of understanding the transcendental.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2020/06/14 | Accepted: 2021/01/21 | Published: 2020/08/22

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