1- , meisam_ahmadi_61@yahoo.com
Abstract: (114 Views)
Sheikh Ahmad Sirhendi, known as Imam Rabbani or Muajded Alfe-sani, is considered one of the greatest mystics and Sufist in the history of Sufism. In addition to presenting valuable and profound works in the field of mysticism and theology and religious knowledge, he has had specific and influential views in the field of politics and society, so far as scholars. Because Iqbal Lahori and Abulkalam Azad are considered free by his religious and political ideas. He became the founder and leader of a new school and profession called "Naqshbandieh Mujadedieh". Sheikh Ahmad's theory of "unity of intuition" is also very important in the eyes of thinkers in the field of Sufism. In spite of these widespread influences and enduring spiritual influence, sheikh Sirhendi remains ignorant of scholars and scholars in Iran. The present article, by obtaining new sources and original references, aims to introduce this with a fresh and brief look and with a descriptive and analytical approach and by using library sources, including manuscripts and lithographs and new researches. An important and influential personality but also to open the way for a better understanding of his ideas and beliefs.
Article number: 4
Type of Study:
Research |
Special Received: 2024/06/19 | Accepted: 2024/10/23 | Published: 2024/10/23